Automotive Diesel Engine

Automotive Diesel Engine


Automotive Diesel Engine Specification: A 4-cylinder, water cooled, Bio diesel compatible, 1.9 litre Volkswagen diesel engine, complete with services and ancillaries required to run the engine in a...

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Automotive Diesel Engine

  • A 4-cylinder, water cooled, Bio diesel compatible, 1.9 litre Volkswagen diesel engine, complete with services and ancillaries required to run the engine in a laboratory environment
  • Variable load eddy current dynamometer which acts as a brake, allowing direct measurement of engine torque.
  • Supported on strong steel framework via flexible mounts. The frame also houses the fuel tank, battery and electrical enclosures.
  • Protected by guards around the moving parts. Safety interlocks and emergency stops are provided.
  • Supplied with the engine manufacturer's diagnostic software.
  • Starter, throttle and dynamometer can be controlled from a computer
  • Standard instrumentation includes sensors for:

- Engine speed - Torque - Air flow - Cooling water temperature (inlet and outlet of heat exchanger) - Cooling water flow

  • Optional engine indicator set for measuring cylinder pressure through the cycle
  • 4-cylinder (Biodiesel Compatible) automotive engine
  • Eddy current dynamometer to vary engine load
  • Plotting of characteristic torque and power curves against engine speed
  • Full software control of system, including load and throttle settings
  • Closed loop software control of brake loading to maintain constant engine speed during measurements
  • Secondary water cooling by heat exchanger, with measurement of temperature change and flow rate
  • Engine manufacturer's diagnostic software (displays fuel injection characteristics)
  • Remote emergency stop, and facility for safety interlocks
  • Optional measurement of cylinder pressure, and displaying this on a p-v diagram

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quick overview :

Automotive Diesel Engine

  • A 4-cylinder, water cooled, Bio diesel compatible, 1.9 litre Volkswagen diesel engine, complete with services and ancillaries required to run the engine in a laboratory environment
  • Variable load eddy current dynamometer which acts as a brake, allowing direct measurement of engine torque.
  • Supported on strong steel framework via flexible mounts. The frame also houses the fuel tank, battery and electrical enclosures.
  • Protected by guards around the moving parts. Safety interlocks and emergency stops are provided.
  • Supplied with the engine manufacturer's diagnostic software.
  • Starter, throttle and dynamometer can be controlled from a computer
  • Standard instrumentation includes sensors for:

- Engine speed - Torque - Air flow - Cooling water temperature (inlet and outlet of heat exchanger) - Cooling water flow

  • Optional engine indicator set for measuring cylinder pressure through the cycle
  • 4-cylinder (Biodiesel Compatible) automotive engine
  • Eddy current dynamometer to vary engine load
  • Plotting of characteristic torque and power curves against engine speed
  • Full software control of system, including load and throttle settings
  • Closed loop software control of brake loading to maintain constant engine speed during measurements
  • Secondary water cooling by heat exchanger, with measurement of temperature change and flow rate
  • Engine manufacturer's diagnostic software (displays fuel injection characteristics)
  • Remote emergency stop, and facility for safety interlocks
  • Optional measurement of cylinder pressure, and displaying this on a p-v diagram

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