Motor Control Circuits Trainer With Faults manufacturers, suppliers and exporters
Categories: Physics Lab EquipmentMotor ControlCircuits Trainer provides a practical means of learning how to design, wire, checkout, and troubleshoot motor control circuits. The student is introduced to the elements of motor control...

Motor ControlCircuits Trainer provides a practical means of learning how to design, wire, checkout, and troubleshoot motor control circuits. The student is introduced to the elements of motor control circuitry through the texts and manuals provided. They are then given problems in circuit design, which they can solve on the Motor Control Circuits Trainer using standard commercial control components: The component panel contains the following:
- 3-pole Fuse Block
- Control Transformer
- Magnetic Contactor (2)
- Limit Switch (2)
- Overload Relay (2)
- Multipole Relay
- Pneumatic Timer Relay (2)
- Magnetic Relay
- Pushbutton Station (2)
quick overview :
Motor ControlCircuits Trainer provides a practical means of learning how to design, wire, checkout, and troubleshoot motor control circuits. The student is introduced to the elements of motor control circuitry through the texts and manuals provided. They are then given problems in circuit design, which they can solve on the Motor Control Circuits Trainer using standard commercial control components: The component panel contains the following:
- 3-pole Fuse Block
- Control Transformer
- Magnetic Contactor (2)
- Limit Switch (2)
- Overload Relay (2)
- Multipole Relay
- Pneumatic Timer Relay (2)
- Magnetic Relay
- Pushbutton Station (2)

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